Lowongan Kerja MT PT Mandom Indonesia Tbk Deadline 01 September 2016

PT Mandom Indonesia Tbk ("MID is a public company listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange, established in 1969 and started commercial operation in 1971. As subsidiary company of Mandom Corporation Japan from Osaka, MID has grown into a significant cosmetic company in Indonesia. Our products with the famous brands like Gatsby, Pixy, Pucelle, Lucido, Lovillea, Tancho, Bifesta. Chibikko, etc has been used by our loving consumers in Indonesia.
Malaysia, Philippine, Thailand. Vietnam, and many other Asian countries. We also export to Japan, Korea, and Dubai. Moreover, from Dubai our products are re-exported to more than 70 countries in Mid-East and Africa. By the end of 2015, our sales has reached 2.3trillion rupiah and we have provided jobs for more than 5,000 employees.
Lowongan Kerja MT PT Mandom Indonesia Tbk Deadline 01 September 2016



To fulfill our mission "Aiming to provide a comfortable lifestyle supported by health and beauty" we realize that we need a sustainable business which is supported by excellent human resources. We have developed HR system since the beginning and enhance it in the last 10 years. We realize that to develop a sustainable business rooted in our society we need talents whose hearts are Indonesia but have the global perspective,knowledge, and skill. Therefore, we design this special global program for special excellent Indonesian young talents.

Our global MTs will have a chance to learn skill, knowledge, and Mandom DNA in Osaka Japan for 3 years. We have designed a special cumiculum during the training period. The MTs will get involved directly in the process of product development, manufacturing, and sales marketing under the supervision of our Japanese colleagues in Mandom Corporation Japan. For selection and during the program, the MTs will not pay any foe. The MTs will
receive benefit and compensation based on Mandom standard for trainee during their stay in Japan. It includes transportation, accommodation, health insurance, etc. After completing the 3year course, the MTs will retum to Mandom Indonesia and work as professionals with special chance for good career path. For fiscal year 2017, we are looking for
  1. Management Trainee for Sales Marketing: l candidate
  2. Management Trainee for Engineering: 2 candidates

  1. Graduated From: UI/ ITB/ UGM /ITS in the year of 2014 /2015 /2016
  2. Minimum GPA: 3.2 for "Sales-Marketing MT and 3.0 for "Engineering MT
  3. 3. Field of Study: Sales-Marketing MT (all fields. Engineering MT (engineering related studies)


send us your application letter along with CV graduation certificate copy, and recent photograph to global-mt@mandom.co.id. The email must be received before Sept 1th, 2016 and you must attend interview on Sept 5th in ITB, 6th in UI, 7th in ITS, and 8th in UGM. For detail, contact Career Center in your university! Find us at http://ift.tt/2bm7zMq-mt
Lowongan Kerja MT PT Mandom Indonesia Tbk Deadline 01 September 2016

from Lowongan Kerja Indonesia 2016 http://ift.tt/2bm9BMi

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