Lowongan Kerja Indosat Ooredoo Hingga Juli 2017 (Internship/ Experience)

Indosat Ooredoo was established as an integrated Indonesian telecommunications network and service provider. Together with its subsidiaries PT Indosat Mega Media (IM2) and PT Aplikanusa Lintasarta, Indosat Ooredoo provides fixed data or Multimedia, Intranet & Data Communication services such as IPVPN, leased line and internet services. Indosat pioneered the introduction of wireless broadband services using 3.5G with HSDPA technology to Indonesia and sucessfully attained a dual listing for its shares in 1994. Today the Company’s Ordinary Shares are listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX:ISAT) with American Depository Shares also listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE:IIT). Indosat Ooredoo is the second largest cellular operator in the country with more than 55 million subscribers.
Lowongan Kerja Indosat Ooredoo Hingga Juli 2017 (Internship/ Experience)
Indonesia's large population, around 257 million inhabitants (on 2012), is the fourth most populous country in the world and continuous economic growth has led to increasing demand of telecommunications services. Since our establishment in November 20, 1967, Indosat Ooredoo has developed its people to reflect excellence in the industry and as a company that is a place to develop your professional career.


Mengenai Program Kerja Seru Indosat Ooredoo (Berlaku di Sumatera, Kalimantan, Sulawesi dan Lombok):

  • Jika kamu menyukai tantangan atas apa yang kamu kerjakan, maka bekerjapun akan terasa lebih seru. Itulah yang kami rasakan setiap hari di Indosat Ooredoo. Kami ingin berbagi keseruan kerja selama 3 bulan melalui Program #KerjaSeru Indosat Ooredoo.

Program ini bertujuan untuk memberikan kesempatan kerja praktek kepada para mahasiswa dan lulusan yang memiliki semangat untuk menambah wawasan dan mempersiapkan diri menjadi professional dengan menempatkan mereka di project inovatif milik Indosat Ooredoo. Melalui program ini, para peserta ditantang untuk berani mencoba hal-hal baru dan merasakan kolaborasi antar tim di dalam lingkungan kerja praktek yang kreatif dan dinamis sehingga peserta dapat benar-benar belajar mengenali potensi diri secara optimal bersama dengan Indosat Ooredoo.

Kualifikasi Peserta Program Kerja Seru Indosat Ooredoo:

  1. Berkomitmen penuh untuk menjalani Program Kerja Seru Indosat Ooredoo selama 3 bulan. 
  2. Mahasiwa/i, S1 semua jurusan yang masih aktif berkuliah dan minimum di semester 5 atau yang sudah lulus maksimal 6 bulan sejak tanggal kelulusan. 
  3. Minimum rata-rata IPK 2.75 dan terbuka untuk semua jurusan.
  4. Scan KTP
  5. Scan Surat Rekomendasi dari Kampus (bagi yang masih kuliah) dan Surat Tanda Kelulusan (bagi yang sudah lulus).
  6. Aktif di organisasi kampus atau komunitas luar kampus.
  7. Memiliki pengetahuan tentang tren social media.
  8. Wajib memiliki akun aktif di social media seperti Instagram, Facebook, Twitter dan LinkedIn.
  9. Berbadan sehat dengan dibuktikan Surat Keterangan Sehat dari Dokter.
  10. Belum pernah menjalani kerja praktek di wilayah usaha Indosat Ooredoo.
Manfaat Bergabung Dalam Program Kerja Seru Indosat Ooredoo:
  1. Pengembangan diri melalui mentoring dan project yang didesain khusus dalam lingkungan kerja inovatif, kreatif dan dinamis sehingga meningkatkan kemampuan para mahasiswa dalam berkomunikasi, problem solving, kolaborasi tim kerja dan kemampuan berpikir kritis. Dalam hal ini pengalaman #KerjaSeru dapat membangun percaya diri melalui pengetahuan dan pengalaman untuk mengenali potensi diri.
  2. Mendapatkan uang saku yang kompetitif setiap bulannya dan merasakan fasilitas penggunaan alat pembayaran digital. 
  3. Mendapatkan sertifikat.  
  4. Untuk peserta yang berprestasi akan mendapatkan kesempatan Program Top 3 #KerjaSeru di Kantor Pusat Indosat Ooredoo, Jakarta (akomodasi ditanggung Indosat Ooredoo).

Senior UI/UX Designer
Job Role:

  • Responsible for design, developing new web and mobile application UI, including designing the UX, as required by customers and business owners.

It contributes to reduce and saving development cost 50% - 70% compare to use external vendors, whereas this cost saving is one of Digital Service key success factor i.e. to keep low cost.  The Impact of this role are achieving competency building to be Ooredoo’s Innovation Centre and skill Centre, as well as make Indosat has more control on the solution or application. Low cost, high skill, and having control is very important for startup in Digital Services, and these factors that other companies had such as Google, Facebook, WhatsApp, etc when they build the companies as a startup. This impact will determine whether Indosat success or not in building Digital Service startup business. For digital businesses, customer journey represented through UI/UX is important part of the service.

We are looking for a user-experience designer responsible for conceiving and conducting user research, interviews and surveys, and translating them into sitemaps, wireframes and prototypes. You will also design the overall functionality of the product and iterate upon it to ensure a great user experience. The detail responsibilities are as follows:

  • Translate concepts into wireframes and mockups that lead to intuitive user experiences.
  • Facilitate client’s product visions by researching, conceiving, wireframing, sketching, prototyping, and mocking up user experiences for digital products.
  • Design and deliver wireframes, user stories, user journeys, and mockups optimized for a wide range of devices and interfaces.
  • Identify design problems and devise elegant solutions.
  • Make strategic design and user-experience decisions related to core, and new, functions and features.
  • Take a user-centered design approach and rapidly test and iterate the designs.
  • Collaborate with other team members and stakeholders to deliver user request.


  • Bachelor’s Degree in Software Engineering/Information Technology/Computer Science/Graphic Design


  • At least 5 years of experience working in the UI design industry
  • A strong portfolio which demonstrates a range of tools and techniques for a range of clients


  • An expert knowledge of UI design principles and techniques
  • A good working knowledge of UX and Interaction Design
  • A good working knowledge of UI design for web and mobile apps
  • Experience with responsive design is a must
  • Excellent working knowledge of the Adobe Creative Suite and Sketch
  • Strong working knowledge of HTML5/XHTML, CSS3 and JavaScript
  • Experience of delivering UI design projects to budget and deadlines
  • Strong personality and able to work under pressure to meet deadline
  • Good understanding of digital business is a must
  • Familiar with Agile Scrum methodologies and principles is an advantage

Bagi anda yang tertarik dan memenuhi kualifikasi silahkan melakukan pendaftaran online: APPLY NOW.

from Informasi Lowongan Kerja BUMN/Bank/CPNS/Perusahaan Multinasional 2017 http://ift.tt/2p7Sc13

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