PT Saka Energi Indonesia adalah perusahaan hulu minyak dan gas yang merupakan entitas anak PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) Tbk (PGN), perusahaan pengangkutan dan distribusi gas alam terbesar di Indonesia. Saat ini SAKA mengelola sepuluh PSC di Indonesia dan satu blok shale gas di Amerika Serikat, tiga diantaranya dioperasikan sepenuhnya oleh SAKA dengan kepemilikan saham 100%. Ketiga PSC ini adalah Pangkah PSC, South Sesulu PSC dan Wokam II PSC.
Sanga-sanga PSC merupakan blok terbaru SAKA yang diambil alih pada akhir tahun 2016 dan merupakan salah satu penghasil Migas SAKA. Sanga-Sanga pertama berproduksi pada tahun 1974. Blok ini merupakan blok darat yang terletak di Kalimantan Timur. Termasuk dalam blok ini adalah jaringan pipa minyak dan gas ekstensif yang mengalirkan gas ke kilang LNG Bontang dan ke terminal ekspor minyak. Selain itu blok ini juga menyediakan gas ke pasar domestik Kalimantan Timur. Sanga-sanga merupakan blok yang Dioperasikan Bersama dengan ENI dan juga VICO sebagai bagian dari SAKA.
Lowongan Kerja Saka Indonesia Pangkah Limited Juli 2017
Saka Indonesia endorses career empowerment by investing in people and providing a variety of multidirectional career paths based on a true, open partnership. Join us to explore your true potentials!
Sr. Geologist / Geologist
Job Summary
- Saka Indonesia Pangkah Limited is seeking a Sr. Geologist / Geologist who will be responsible for Geoscience analysis of Saka non-operating assests, bring robust technical knowledge to the team, and gives technical recommendation and input to operator and internal management. The successful candidate should have experience in reservoir development and modeling with enough flexibility to work in multiple settings, as well as, strong skills in geological interpretation and well planning. This position will join the Reservoir Maturation Team, which lead the reservoir development and reservoir studies.
The ideal candidate for this position should possess the following minimum qualifications:
- Minimum BS Degree in Geological Engineering
- A minimum of 7 years of relevant geologist experience is required
- Solid understanding of stratigraphy analysis, depositional environment, geomodeling, well correlation, log analysis, prospect generation, and well planning. Experience in petrophysical analysis would be beneficial
- Technical knowledge of seismic interpretation
- Ability to work within multidisciplinary teams
- Strong oral and written communication skills
- Aptitude for mentoring less experience staff
- Highly motivated and willingness to learn
- Attend TCM & OCM meeting and Subsurface Workshop held by operator
- Provide recommendation / feedback to operator’s program proposals from geological and geophysical aspects.
- Perform internal G&G evaluation for Non-Operated Assets in order to have good understanding on uncertainty of operator’s geological and reservoir model
- Define and review reserves estimate of Non-Operated Assets.
- Define and review prospective and contingent resources of Non-Operated Asset and its availability for future asset
- Working in a team with Reservoir Engineer to perform well performance analysis
- Manages subsurface data and study / project report
To apply, please send your application to with subject: "[Name] – Sr. Geologist/Geologist" no later than COB, 30 July 2017 .
Only shorlisted candidate will be notified for further process.
from Informasi Lowongan Kerja BUMN/Bank/CPNS/Perusahaan Multinasional 2017
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