Lowongan Kerja PT Astra International Tbk (Virtue Astra) Agustus 2017

PT Astra International Tbk didirikan di Jakarta pada tahun 1957 sebagai sebuah perusahaan perdagangan umum dengan nama Astra International Inc. Pada tahun 1990, telah dilakukan perubahan nama menjadi PT Astra International Tbk, dalam rangka penawaran umum perdana saham Perseroan kepada masyarakat, yang dilanjutkan dengan pencatatan saham Perseroan di Bursa Efek Indonesia dengan menggunakan ticker ASII. Nilai kapitalisasi pasar Astra pada akhir tahun 2016 adalah sebesar Rp335,0 triliun.

Lowongan Kerja PT Astra International Tbk (Virtue Astra) Agustus 2017
Astra telah mengembangkan bisnisnya dengan menerapkan model bisnis yang berbasis sinergi dan terdiversifikasi pada tujuh segmen usaha, terdiri dari: 1) Otomotif, 2) Jasa Keuangan, 3) Alat Berat dan Pertambangan, 4) Agribisnis, 5) Infrastruktur dan Logistik, 6) Teknologi Informasi dan 7) Properti. Dengan bisnis yang beragam, Astra telah menyentuh berbagai aspek kehidupan bangsa melalui produk dan layanan yang dihasilkan. Dalam keseharian hidup, masyarakat Indonesia menggunakan sepeda motor dan mobil, jalan tol, printer, hingga layanan pembiayaan, perbankan dan asuransi milik Astra. Pelaku bisnis bermitra dengan Astra dan memanfaatkan berbagai kendaraan komersial, alat berat, layanan logistik, sistem teknologi informasi dan jasa pertambangan dari Astra. Berbagai produk yang dihasilkan, antara lain minyak kelapa sawit, batu bara dan kendaraan bermotor, terus diekspor sehingga Astra dapat berkontribusi dalam menyumbangkan devisa bagi negara.

Lowongan Kerja PT Astra International Tbk (Virtue Astra) Agustus 2017

Astra Virtue, sebagai wadah Job Fair online Astra Group, menjadi pintu gerbang dimana Recruiters dan Kandidat bertemu layaknya Job Fair nyata pada umumnya. Lewat Virtual Job Fair ini, Astra memberikan kesempatan berkarir dengan cara yang lebih mudah dan memanfaatkan teknologi internet.

People Development Analyst
  • Bachelor Degree from Psychology or Industrial Engineering
  • Fresh graduate or max. 2 years of experience
  • Passionate in Human Resource (especially in training)
  • Good  analytical thinking and interpersonal skill
  • Proactive and eager to learn
IT Analyst
  • Bachelor Degree Informatics Engineering / Computer Science / System Information
  • Having min 3 years of experince in OOP especially Java Technologies
  • Good  analytical thinking
  • Good communication and interpersonal skill
Accounting Analyst
General Summary
  • As Accounting Analyst you will be responsible for all accounting functions in the company, such as handling financial corporate consolidation report, cash flow management, taxation, or accounting systems and procedures.
  • Bachelor degree from Accounting
  • Fresh graduated or experienced max. 2 years work
  • Mastering accounting principles is a must
  • Good interpersonal and communication skill
Internal Audit Analyst
General Summary
  • As Internal Audit Analyst, you will responsible for developing audit plan engagement, review preliminary audit survey, organize and  manage audit for conducting field audit, monitoring audit result follow up. You will also be responsible for performing the fieldwork with all evidential support for report recommendations , business risk analysis identification and internal control development, audit report presentation to auditee.
  • Bachelor degree form Accounting / Finance / Industrial Engineering / IT
  • Fresh Graduate or Max 2 years work
  • Good anlytical and communication skill.
  • Highly motivated to learn diverse business processes of different industries. 
  • Fluency in spoken and written English.
Risk Management Analyst
General Summary
  • As Risk Management Analyst you will be responsible to handle risk management assessment in Astra Group, you will also running Key Risk Indocator project, Maturity Assessment and Business Continuity Management (BCM)
  • Bachelor degree from Statistics / Mathematics
  • Having min. 1 year of experience in data mining
  • Good analytical thinking
  • Good interpersonal and communication skill
Corporate Strategy Analyst
  • Bachelor degree from All Economics
  • Having min. 1 year of experince in the same area
  • Basic understanding of finance & accounting is a must
  • Good interpersonal and communication skill
  • Good Analytical Thinking
Finance Analyst
General Summary
  • You will be responsible for prepare finance report, example Income Statement Report and Balance Sheet Report. You will also prepare Summary and Detail monthly financial analysis report.
  • Bachelor degree from Accounting
  • Fresh graduated or experienced max. 2 years work
  • Good interpersonal and communication skill
  • Self Motivated and Have Willingness to Learn
  • Good Analytical Thinking
Environtment, Health, Safety and SociaL Responsibility Analyst
General Summary
  • Your main responsibility is to monitor and implement the area of Environment, Health, Safety and Social Responsibility (EHS & SR) refer to the standards Astra Green Company and Astra Friendly Company.
  • Bachelor degree from Civil Engineering
  • Fresh graduate or max. 2 years of experience
  • Have a special/highly interest working in Environment, Health, Safety & Social Responsibility (EHS & SR) field
  • Actively involve in organizational activities
  • Good analytical thinking
AR Trainee
General Summary
  • AUDIT TRAINEE is exstensive development program in auditing field which certified by audit competencies that in line with the objective of Internal Audit Astra Group (operational audit, financial audit and IT audit). You will be develop to become a credible Auditor through variety program in class training and on the job training within 12 months (basic Astra values and business process, basic finance, accounting and tax basic auditing, general IT Auditor and various soft skill training). 
  • Bachelor Degree from Accounting, Finance, Industrial Engineering, Computer Science/IT, Mathematics / Statistics
  • Fresh graduate or max. 2 years of experience
  • Proficient in English both written and speaking
  • Good  analytical thinking and interpersonal skill
  • Proactive and eager to learn
  • Actively involve in campus organization activities.
  • Willing to travel around Indonesia (with high frequency)
HR Trainee
General Summary
  • HR TRAINEE is an extensive development program that will give you opportunities to be a great HR Professional. During the 12 months program you will be exposed to different HR roles in different type of business with both of in class training and on the job training . 
  • As an HR Officer you will be responsible in the area of People Evaluation, Recruitment, People Development and HR System to optimize the Organization's Effectiveness. You will also have the opportunity to involve in Labour Management. To become a great HR HR Trainee, you must have an excellent interpersonal skill and passion in Human Resource, not only to interact with people in the organization, but also to develop them.
  • Bachelor Degree from All Economics, Psychology, law, Industrial Engineering,   Communication and Business Administration
  •  Fresh graduate or max. 2 years of experience
  •  Passionate in Human Resource
  •  Good  analytical thinking and interpersonal skill
  •  Proactive and eager to learn
  •  Actively involve in campus organization activities

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silakan lihat sumber resmi dari Astra Virtue pada link berikut di bawah ini. Bagi anda yang tertarik dan memenuhi kualifikasi yang diperlukan diatas, silakan mendaftar dan mengirimkan aplikasi Anda secara langsung melalui sistem Laman Pendaftaran Astra Virtue PT Astra International Tbk.
Pendaftaran dimulai tanggal 03 - 06 Agustus 2017.

from Informasi Lowongan Kerja BUMN/Bank/CPNS/Perusahaan Multinasional 2017 http://ift.tt/2v3sTCn

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